Pink Lady® recipes
Easter recipes
6 recipes

Category: Dessert
Pink Lady® apples are a perfect accompaniment for pies as they hold their shape and don’t disintegrate when...

Category: Dessert
Ultimate Pink Lady® Apple Cake
Looking to bake the ultimate apple cake? Look no further than this recipe, using Pink Lady® apples for...

Category: Dessert
Ultimate Pink Lady® Apple Crumble Recipe
There are endless variations on the classic apple crumble, which makes finding the best recipe quite difficult. That's...

Category: Snacks
Easter Apple Simnel Muffins with Quinoa
Simnel cakes are traditionally made at Easter and contain balls of marzipan as well as diced Pink Lady®...

Category: Dessert
These healthier versions of Easter Nest Cakes are great fun for little ones to make at Easter. Slices...

Category: Snacks
Pink Lady® Easter Apple Bunnies
We’ve got a simple 15min recipe that helps you create cute and yummy Easter apple bunnies.
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The Crunch
Take a bite into our juicy Pink Lady® news updates, or why not try out our core crunching workouts from Pink Lady® Core.
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Where to Buy
Find out where you can pick up sweet and crunchy Pink Lady® apples.
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