In the kitchen
Pink Lady® recipes
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151 recipes (Page 15 / 17)

Category: Snacks
Pink Lady® Peanut Butter and Rosemary Croissants
Apple slices dunked in peanut butter is a classic snack we all know and love. For a grown-up...

Category: Snacks
These beautiful open-faced sandwiches are popular in Scandinavia. Traditionally made on dark rye bread, you can top them...

Category: Dessert
Cardamom Apple Crumble Friands
An intriguing combination of aromatic cardamom and Pink Lady® apple, these fragrant friands offer a sophisticated twist on...

Category: Snacks
Scare your guests this Halloween, be like Frankenstein and create your own little edible monster.

Category: Dessert
Pink Lady® Apple Roses in Puff Pastry
Almost too pretty to eat, but the tempting combination of Pink Lady® apple and cinnamon will soon win...

Category: Drinks
Shrunken PinKids® Apple Heads Punch
Ever wanted to make your own punch? We’ve got the perfect recipe for a delicious lightly spiced drink.
Category: Breakfast
Pink Lady® Apple and Courgette Muffins
Delicious, healthy muffins with all of the sweetness and none of the guilt. Made with Pink Lady® apples...

Category: Sides
Christmas Mash Recipe with Pink Lady® Apples
Indulge your taste buds with this smooth and creamy Christmas mash. Make it that little bit more special...

Category: Drinks
Fuelling Pink Lady® Breakfast Smoothie
Our breakfast smoothie is packed with the goodness of banana, oat bran, ground almonds and chia seeds. Start...
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Where to Buy
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