A Pink Lady® Adventure to Remember
Pink Lady® recently caught up with Liz Bennett, winner of our Good Apples for Good Apples competition. Liz won the amazing prize of a trip to Avignon to visit our delightful Pink Lady® apple orchards. Liz, won the once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit a Pink Lady® orchard, picked her own apples and witnessed first-hand, how our unmistakeable apples are grown. November marks the start of the Northern Hemisphere Pink Lady® harvest, making this the perfect time to visit this orchard in Avignon, which is in the Provence-Alpes region in the south of France.
Liz was joined by her partner Mark. On arrival they instantly settled into their hotel in the centre of the enchanting town of Avignon, enclosed by its medieval ramparts and famous for its Papal Palace. They soon found themselves exploring the elegant surroundings, taking in cafés displaying eclairs, fresh bread and amazing French patisserie until finally stumbling upon a delightful local restaurant where they enjoyed the best pizza they’d ever eaten.
Liz and Mark wandered through parks and numerous, winding back streets, discovering Avignon’s hidden gems and mystic beauty, the tranquillity of the medieval town made the whole experience relaxing.
On her trip, Liz learnt about what makes Pink Lady® apples so special with a trip to our orchard. Pink Lady® apples are the first to blossom and the last to be harvested which gives our apples their distinctive blush, sweet crunch and fizz! Our apples are grown all over the world, and our Pink Lady® orchards are nestled among some of the world’s finest wine growing regions which offer the best conditions for growing our apples from pip to perfection.
Liz’s last night was spent tucking into a three-course meal in a quaint French restaurant close to the hotel. They ordered a regional classic, French Onion soup, making it a delicious end to the trip.
The trip to Avignon and our orchard sparked a love affair with Pink Lady® apples which will forever be a supermarket staple on Liz’s big shop! We were delighted to be able to provide Liz and Mark with their first experience visiting France, culminating in what we hope was an unforgettable Pink Lady® experience.