Gary takes on marathon for the second time as Pink Lady® Apple

Our six Pink Lady® apple runners have all been hand-picked from Beginners2Runners running group, to take on the mighty challenge of running the world-famous 26.2 mile Virgin Money London Marathon course, dressed in a Pink Lady® apple costume.
Gary Edwards has been running with the club for two years and last year was his first time running the Virgin Money London Marathon. His training has been going to plan and he feels like he is ahead of schedule. After finishing the marathon in last year’s unprecedented heat, Gary is hoping for cooler weather this year.
Like most people, Gary has been trying to avoid alcohol while training, but found he’s fine “just drinking in moderation”. You can’t give up all your vices, even when training for a marathon. However, as last year was “one of the best running experiences you can have”, he is planning to keep training hard, so that he can enjoy race day itself.
The whole Pink Lady® team are proud to be raising vital funds for the Padua Children’s Oncology Ward at William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent. Money raised will support the refurbishment of the ward, contributing to creating a space for both the children and their family members, from all over the East Kent area, to relax, play and spend quality time together.
To donate visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/pinkladyapples