Pink Lady® talks lunch with Judi Love
Here at Pink Lady®, we’re on a mission to empower your lunch hour. The break in the middle of the working day is vital for our wellbeing and peace of mind – but all too often, we are sacrificing it because of fear of judgement from those around us.

Did you know that 81 per cent of office workers wouldn’t eat the same foods at work that they enjoy at home? What’s more, nearly half (49 per cent) of Brits feel judged for their food choices at work, and it works both ways, with 45 per cent also confessing to casting a critical eye over their coworkers’ lunches.
Announcing… our lunchtime champion
We are thrilled to announce we have enlisted the help of Judi Love to help us reclaim our lunch hour. Fear of judgement? Shake it off. Unconventional lunch choices? Own it! Quiet office? Crunch that Pink Lady® apple with pride! Judi is here to help us throw out the rule book so we can enjoy the food we love at work.
Comedian, presenter, and food lover Judi Love is no stranger to the workplace lunch scene, she said: "Love is in my name… and I love me some lunch! I’ve worked in many different places – from being a social worker to filming on TV sets, I’m no stranger to office etiquette and staff room lunches!”
She added: “I want to encourage people up and down the country to embrace their lunchtime. Life’s too short to worry about what others think. One of my favourite mottos is 'laughter is healing'—so let’s stop taking lunch in the office so seriously and just enjoy it."
“Bite into that Pink Lady® apple, slurp those noodles, eat that curry! Lunch is about your own enjoyment, not about pleasing others."
Let’s talk lunch with Judi Love
To help Brits shake off their fear of judgement, we caught up with Judi Love to talk all things lunch and unpack the stats from our recent poll about the country’s lunchtime habits. Watch the video and join the movement to empower your lunch hour now!